Spinal Keeping Tips #3
Walking upright, head forward and stared back straight. Use comfortable shoes and the right[...]thin.
Read more...a blog that aspires to achieve health, give love, and create a beautiful future.
Walking upright, head forward and stared back straight. Use comfortable shoes and the right[...]thin.
Read more...Working Session 01Internal projector started massage at one point and make three times the velocity at the same place. Projector will automatically put pressure massage for nearly two minutes at each pressure point.[...]
Work Session 02When the projector reaches a point 13, the projector is idle for approximately one minute. At that time, turn your body until their tummies. Use massage tools massage the abdominal area to the point 13, 14 and 15. Power will be off automatically when the projector has been fully completed full seputaran.
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1. Infra-red rays to sterilize and reduce the heat, thus speeding up work activity in the digestive system.
2. Acupressure and moksibasi (lane distributed energy) around the spinal cord metabolism throughout the body repair.[...]
3. Can dispose of dirty blood in blood vessels.
4. Streamlining blood circulation with moksibasi, or heating the blood vessels.
5 Helping every organ system in receiving the training stimulus with nerve roots are stiff.
6. Improving the relationship between the body and relaxes the nervous system with the central nervous racing.
7. Bone repair bent and stooped posture.
8. Freeing dirty blood clot around the bone with a way to destroy it.
In the treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), jade has been known since long. Jade is believed to cure various penaykit nutritious. According to David Sungahandra, TCM practitioners practicing in Beijing Clinic, West Jakarta, sines, sines in the age of imperial China used jade as a medicinal powder bati ageless because it contains magnesium and calcium. Jade is also believed to be the introduction to infrared light is good.[...] According Nihla Zairany, as well as the marketing consultant MPS Puri Indah, capsules consumed Dima Tiomsi for therapy using the power of jade. Jade embedded in the capsule Dima functioned to help restore vitality, stimulates cell regeneration, increase endurance, stimulate the body to fight disease, and blood circulation. Capsule Dima itself is a combination of Eastern traditional healing arts, ie massage, acupressure, acupuncture, moksibasi, far infrared radiation, and chairo (straightening of the spine).
Nihla words, inside the capsule is composed ranks Dima jade and carbon epoxy plates that produce far infrared rays, which when heated to temperatures between 30-75 degrees Celsius will be absorbed by the body.
Way, the patient's body was laid in a giant capsule. Carbon and epoxy is automatically set to work jade roller massage from neck to the femur bone down, heel, and calf with a hot air temperature that works for 33 minutes. Pressure (presur) will automatically be stopped for several minutes at each point of pain.
There are some reactions experienced by patients during therapy Dima capsules, such as severe head and dizziness, indicating a high blood pressure. However, the reaction occurs only for a moment.
"As therapy, the whole body will feel weak and blood pressure rises momentarily. However, the situation will return to normal when patients do therapy on a regular basis. The patient will experience healing from any disease," said Nihla.
Nihla designed dome-shaped capsule, having a size of 180-degree slope using infrared light emitter producing much is made of carbon epoxy lepengan. These emitters produce far infrared rays with wavelengths from 4.00 to 16.00 mm.
Ihla words, far infrared rays terbai into four parts, namely, near infrared rays with a wave of vibration from 0.76 to 1.50 micron, infrared rays are 1.50 to 4.00 microns, far infrared ray 4.00 - 16.00 micron and far infrared ray, the vibration waves of more than 16.00 microns. However, he said, massage and far infrared rays flow was cored in the jade which is located below the capsule Dima.
Wave infrared rays which match the wave of the human body is far infrared light waves that vibrate strength between 4.00 to 16.00 microns, almost equal to the wave of human energy, namely 8.00 to 14.00 microns. The presence of vibration wave far infrared rays on the human body that is directly beneficial for blood circulation and blood vessels are clogged. As a result, rheumatic disorders, muscle-toto the sick, and arthritis can be cured.
Vibration waves that can also launch and balance the body's metabolism, so it can cope with and slow down the process of premature aging and destroys fats are buried in the body. The body can also direct it.
Still Nihla words, the vibration waves in the human body plays an important role in balancing the cells to cure diseases. If the resonance will be able to consistently maintain maximum health.
No wonder, Dima capsule, which incidentally uses the power of jade, is able to recover quickly disease. Jade working in it can restore vitality, stimulates cell regeneration, increase endurance, stimulate the body to fight disease, and blood circulation.
In the art of Eastern medicine, jade is believed to be as stimulating the flow of chi (pure energy). Pure Engeri is thought to prevent aging-sels of different body cells and overcome disease.[...]
Tiomsi Hutapea (64) as fasting blood glucose 470 mg / dl and 2 hours after meals range from 546 mg / dl. As a result, residents of Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta had felt weak and shaky. He did not want the streets for fear of falling.
In addition to high sugar content, Tiomsi also suffer heartburn, acid uratm and agencies such as tingling. Many doctors and sines meets. It's also a lot of pain medication consumed, among other neurotion capsule.
Unfortunately, treatment fro endless fruitless. Worse yet, her vision began to blur due to cataracts. Eye doctor suggested she undergo cataract operaso.
Because her blood sugar levels never decreased, it is advisable to make insulin injections and drinking 20 pills a day. Apparently, the way of treatment that does not even improve his health condition.
"What happened, I can not afford to treat kidney drugs into the body. The body was so swollen. The doctor suggested that I stop taking the drug," he said. Lucky on 28 November 2003, a temah suggested that he did jade therapy using MPS (Management of Personal Medical Systems) and Dima capsule.
First day until when therapy did not change anything. On the fourth day, he experienced diarrhea and vomiting (vomiting faeces). Five days later, he felt very dizzy.
Lucky, from the tenth day onwards, he was able to sleep, the pain disappeared, can not walk alone, dams capable of doing light calisthenics. After participating in therapy for a month, daranya sugar levels stable, when fasting and after eating 170 120.
In addition, his eyesight was gradually returning. To maintain good health. Tiomsin keep doing therapy jade.
The eyes become swollen or feels like a tingling, and there is dirt in the eyes and shed tears. this is the reaction of the eye and vision will be better denge remove the remnants of [...]dirt from the eye.
Read more...Impotence is still a nightmare bagikaum Adam. But never fear, a myriad of modern medicine have spoken Dr ditemukan.Seperti. Mulyadi, sexologists who opened a practice in ClinicMedizone, Kemayoran, ED treatment should include treatment of primary terhadappenyebab. [...]
Impotence, the specter yangmenakutkan for the Adam. So, not surprisingly, the men find seribusatu way to avoid this sexual disorder. Gioksaat stone therapy is glimpsed as one alternative way
Enggelayuti mendungm cloud city of Jakarta in early February. Tergantikandengan sky blue color of the sky black. Rainfall conditions constantly menyebabkanterjadinya flood at some point in Jakarta. If not segeramuncul sunshine, a great disaster could not inevitable. This takbersahabat weather center, makes most city dwellers, blanketed feeling of anxiety.
This condition is exactly the same picture with the feeling that in tengahberkecamuk on Romi-you name it. The clouds were hanging priayang entering middle age was 50 years. Though he has established kariryang, PR Consultant sebagaidirektur disebuah company. His life was full, as long as 18 tahunia accompanied by his wife who was pretty boring.
However, today the center Romi feeling troubled. If not immediately menemukansolusi the right, he will get a great calamity that is not less daribencana flooding. He claimed to be unhappy. Tip of the destruction of her life, celebrating the male is at stake. There is what the hell?
Apparently, this was a few months, he experienced what he called duniakedokteran as erectile dysfunction (ED). 'Weapons' flagship not want lagiberoperasi. Like the strike, originally bentuknyayang 'towering' sempurnakini seam-matted and shrink (to borrow a phrase Aming in film'Quickie Expres'), bowed with embarrassment. It is definitely frustrating. Istriyang semulamemaklumi, gradually could only watch cranky 'tools' favorittempurnya lose power.
Romi one can only lament the fate. Inwardly, he muttered danbertanya wondering what exactly the end of the base problem. Apakahkarena age, lifestyle-nyayang bad, descended from the great-grandparent or a curse?
It is possible that this story does not just happen to Romi. Because, according to a study says, about 52 persenpria who aged 40-70 years suffer from erectile dysfunction. Starting darikasus mild to severe. In fact, the numbers will continue to rise until double. Based on research results from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS), estimated in 2025, erectile dysfunction sufferers will total 322 million people. In fact, according Dr.Mulyadi, at least not less than 10 percent of married men in Indonesia mengalamidisfungsi erection.
Until now, erectile dysfunction is still a nightmare bagikaum Adam. But never fear, a myriad of modern medicine have spoken Dr ditemukan.Seperti. Hitech seksologyang open a practice in ClinicMedizone, Kemayoran, ED treatment should include treatment of primary terhadappenyebab. Can be done with sexualcounseling, oral therapy, local therapy and surgery, with the fitting prosthesis. But for those who are reluctant menemuidokter, you know, there's another exit door by jade therapy.
Do not want to drag on in a long nightmare, with dibantuistri beloved, Lena (not her real name), Romi decided to abstain in order keperkasaannnyabisa back jade therapy. They reasoned, the decision to conduct this therapy is based of age who have not mudalagi Romi. With therapy, the husband does not require drugs at akhirnyajustru side effect precisely can invite other diseases.
Long story short, his demi'hardware', Romi was tested therapies that jade. Romi inginmengecewakan not very woman he loves, especially when considering doronganseksual beloved wife who was still raging. He did not want to issue this inability, to trigger the cracks of the household.
CHI. Recently, therapy digandrungi.Terapi jade is believed to be the center of a new medium to eliminate berbagaipenyakit. One was for the affairs of impotence or ED.
This jade stone therapy, traditional medicine into the sexual Cina.Bedasarkan Chinese philosophy, based on harmony with Yin Danyang, and have been known and developed since the Zhou dynasty. Is Tsau Yen (305-240B.C.) Who founded the school of Yin-Yang.
Taoist lovemaking techniques and classical seksologi dasaryang showed essentially the same in the principles of Yin and Yang. Are basic elements and concepts Chisebagai vital energy. Yin has a negative, passive, weak dandestruktif. While Yang, positive, active, strong and constructive.
Basically, this jade stone therapy devices consisting of several macam.Ada shaped capsule (DIMA), which are deliberately designed dome-shaped (bed therapy), there is also a form of Ring (UIEK Energy Black Jade) or UIEK Energy Jade Ring, form mattress, bracelets, and others.
In East Asia, the properties of these stones as media usage penyembuhandari various diseases is very popular. Various diseases began darisakit on the tail bone to your upper back. Included also untukmelancarkan circulation. It is said that another benefit is to give effect to the wearer awetmuda. Perhaps in the translation of scientific, this stone and kalsiumyang mengandungmagnesium beneficial bone and skin conditions.
Furthermore, iamenjelaskan, "delivers infrared rays into the whole body, danmenggantikan new cells and fresh blood. And make menjadilancar circulation. Therefore, CERAGEM also able to cure erectile dysfunction, "he said.
However, do not expect this therapy dapatmenyembuhkan instantly. Section, this therapy requires tidaksebentar process. As disclosed Margareta, therapy for erectile penyembuhandisfungsi required time for three months. To ensure that didapatkanmaksimal, therapy must be done every day. "Therapy jade like inibahkan also able to increase libido," he explained, smiling.
When put heavy items into place high above the head, try not to lift the item higher than the shoulders, use a ladder or chair. Heavy lifting above the shoulder line of [...]the spine can cause enormous pressure.
Read more...Spine has an important function for the body, in this section have the nerve center connecting all parts of the body with the brain or other organs. Here are tips for keeping your spine: [...]
When lifting objects from the floor, bend your knees, do not slouch. Because it can hurt and burden the spine with the heaviest load. Because they can cause cramps or dislocation.
Wait for the next tips ... :-)
Will arise, such as severe head and dizziness for 1-2 weeks, their whole body becomes limp and [...]sometimes blood pressure will rise for a moment.
Read more...Stone Therapy jade stones are calcium-magnesium-iron silicate. These stones have a density of 6.5 gravity (compared to jadeite in 7.0), and specifically from 2.90 to 3.02. Nephrite, unlike jadeite (which is considered by many experts to be the only true form of gem-quality jade), is more common stone found in many regions in the world. This particular nephrite is mined in North China. In 1863, Prof. Alexander Damour named the stone, [...] Confucius property that has been carved over thousands of years, 'nephrite' This is a candle made of jade crystal fiber as a rope break open like a cube of sugar (sebagai. compared with jadeite, also named by Damour , a large, crystal and sheers each other when the split). While natural color is best described as a white eggshell, nephrite appeared in several other colors, with green color are more serious than jadeite, close to the green sage or spinach, and even green black dark to see. When immersed in hydrochloric acid as a test of authenticity, nephrite will have repercussions not small compared with some stones being represented as jade (mainly serpentine and bowenite, softer and react negatively to the acid test, as well as marble).
One of the oldest-known rock, (reference traces the history of jade to around 4000 BC), nephrite used for weapons., Tools live, money, goals of treatment (renal disease and other internal diseases), and social rank. Chinese authorities, Fu Hsi, in 3000 BC, gave the Chinese name "Yu," and talk about the quality of human stone near future. Has long been regarded as a stone of luck, prosperity, protection, with the ability to balance the yin and yang (hence, the stones from the sky, the bridge to Paradise). This is a heart of stone, and considered concentrated essence of love. positive force to promote courage, independence, and leads to life, richer more satisfying.
Nephrite able to stand on their own, because it has a less-hot and hot (cold) as well, so that the stone that brought the two temperatures. This attribute allows for treatment with fewer stones, making it easier set-up (in less space, cost savings and time), and make treatment more functional portable for the same stone can be used in several applications with varying temperatures throughout the treatment . Also, nephrite be an excellent complement to the use of basalt, sardonyx, and marble, as it brings a unique flexibility due to join the work of bringing heat to the body or pull heat (inflammation) of the body. is a gentle energy, and give and take the temperature in a way that is more intense than the other rocks, so its use is more special and entertaining.
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