Jade Therapy Using the Far Infrared
In the treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), jade has been known since long. Jade is believed to cure various penaykit nutritious. According to David Sungahandra, TCM practitioners practicing in Beijing Clinic, West Jakarta, sines, sines in the age of imperial China used jade as a medicinal powder bati ageless because it contains magnesium and calcium. Jade is also believed to be the introduction to infrared light is good.[...] According Nihla Zairany, as well as the marketing consultant MPS Puri Indah, capsules consumed Dima Tiomsi for therapy using the power of jade. Jade embedded in the capsule Dima functioned to help restore vitality, stimulates cell regeneration, increase endurance, stimulate the body to fight disease, and blood circulation. Capsule Dima itself is a combination of Eastern traditional healing arts, ie massage, acupressure, acupuncture, moksibasi, far infrared radiation, and chairo (straightening of the spine).
Nihla words, inside the capsule is composed ranks Dima jade and carbon epoxy plates that produce far infrared rays, which when heated to temperatures between 30-75 degrees Celsius will be absorbed by the body.
Way, the patient's body was laid in a giant capsule. Carbon and epoxy is automatically set to work jade roller massage from neck to the femur bone down, heel, and calf with a hot air temperature that works for 33 minutes. Pressure (presur) will automatically be stopped for several minutes at each point of pain.
There are some reactions experienced by patients during therapy Dima capsules, such as severe head and dizziness, indicating a high blood pressure. However, the reaction occurs only for a moment.
"As therapy, the whole body will feel weak and blood pressure rises momentarily. However, the situation will return to normal when patients do therapy on a regular basis. The patient will experience healing from any disease," said Nihla.
Nihla designed dome-shaped capsule, having a size of 180-degree slope using infrared light emitter producing much is made of carbon epoxy lepengan. These emitters produce far infrared rays with wavelengths from 4.00 to 16.00 mm.
Ihla words, far infrared rays terbai into four parts, namely, near infrared rays with a wave of vibration from 0.76 to 1.50 micron, infrared rays are 1.50 to 4.00 microns, far infrared ray 4.00 - 16.00 micron and far infrared ray, the vibration waves of more than 16.00 microns. However, he said, massage and far infrared rays flow was cored in the jade which is located below the capsule Dima.
Wave infrared rays which match the wave of the human body is far infrared light waves that vibrate strength between 4.00 to 16.00 microns, almost equal to the wave of human energy, namely 8.00 to 14.00 microns. The presence of vibration wave far infrared rays on the human body that is directly beneficial for blood circulation and blood vessels are clogged. As a result, rheumatic disorders, muscle-toto the sick, and arthritis can be cured.
Vibration waves that can also launch and balance the body's metabolism, so it can cope with and slow down the process of premature aging and destroys fats are buried in the body. The body can also direct it.
Still Nihla words, the vibration waves in the human body plays an important role in balancing the cells to cure diseases. If the resonance will be able to consistently maintain maximum health.
No wonder, Dima capsule, which incidentally uses the power of jade, is able to recover quickly disease. Jade working in it can restore vitality, stimulates cell regeneration, increase endurance, stimulate the body to fight disease, and blood circulation.
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